
Cataracts are a condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to a decrease in vision. Usually cataracts affect both eyes simultaneously but development often varies between eyes.

What are the symptoms of cataracts?

People with cataracts experience hazy or double vision as the opacities in the lens scatter the light the same way a dirty camera lens blurs a photo. Cataracts may effect your driving, reading, recognising faces, and coping with glare from bright lights. Cataracts are the most common cause of blindness.

Who is most at risk of getting cataracts?

The following groups have elevated risk of developing cataracts.

  • Older adults
  • Individuals with a family history of cataracts
  • People with diabetes
  • Those with extensive exposure to sunlight
  • Smokers
  • Individuals who have sustained eye injuries or undergone eye surgery
  • Users of certain medications, like corticosteroids.

Cataracts may also occur in children as a result of genetics or as a result of rubella infection during pregnancy.

How are cataracts treated?

Cataracts are primarily treated through surgery, where the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with an artificial one to restore clear vision. This procedure is highly effective and is typically recommended when cataracts interfere with daily activities.

Cataract surgery is generally considered safe and painless due to local anesthesia and sedation. Like any surgery, it carries some risks, such as infection or inflammation, but these are uncommon. The vast majority of patients experience a significant improvement in vision with minimal discomfort.

VisionPro can refer you to an ophthalmologist for eye surgery if necessary.

When should I see an optometrist for cataract treatment?

You should consult an eye doctor immediately if cataracts affect your daily life, like reading or driving. An optometrist can assess your condition to determine if and when surgery is needed.

But early consultation allows for better management of your vision health. So it’s much better to have regular eye exams to detect and monitor cataracts, even if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms.


If you are concerned about cataracts, please make an appointment